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OSTEORUS and RAOPparticipate at YaroslavlRegional Citizens Forum


Автор публикации: Russian Information Agency «National Alliance» Найти все публикации автора

Опубликовано: 15/06/2018 11:06

OSTEORUS and RAOPparticipate at YaroslavlRegional Citizens Forum

To raise awareness of osteoporosis and its prevention as a public health issue, volunteers from the Patient Society OSTEORUS and representatives of the Russian Association on Osteoporosis (RAOP) participated in the prestigious Forum’s interactive events.

On June 8, 2018 the XVI Citizens’ Forum of the Yaroslavl Region was held in Yaroslavl, the capital of the area known as the ‘Golden Ring’ of Russia. It was attended by representatives of public organizations and public chambers, officials, policymakers, legislators, experts, journalists and volunteers.

The issues of ecology, public health, development of the volunteer movement, and social innovations were all on the Forum’s agenda.

In order to raise awareness of osteoporosis and its prevention as a public health issue, representatives of the All-Russia Patient Society OSTEORUS and the Russian Association on Osteoporosis (RAOP) participated in the Forum’s interactive events.

At the OSTEORUS information stand, participants could get acquainted with a wide range of educational activities, get advice from a specialist from the Regional Diagnostic Center for Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis, and take booklets and leaflets about osteoporosis and its prevention. Links to the RAOP website and other online resources with useful and reliable information were provided.

Participants were invited to take the IOF One-Minute Osteoporosis Risk Test to identify their risk of osteoporosis. They were provided with the information about the best sources of dietary calcium and Vitamin D and were informed about the importance of physical activity and its effect on bone health.

The IOF Global Patient Charter was signed by many participants of the Forum. Some members of the Yaroslavl Regional government showed their interest in the activities of OSTEORUS and were invited to participate in the annual World Osteoporosis Day celebration on October 20 under the slogan «Love your bones. Protect your future».

IOF CEO Philippe Halbout commended OSTEORUS and RAOP for their dedication:

«We applaud the continued efforts of OSTEORUS and RAOP to put osteoporosis and fracture prevention on the national healthcare agenda. Thanks to their grassroots activities with the public, and targeted efforts to increase knowledge among healthcare professionals and policymakers, awareness of this chronic disease and its serious impact has increased significantly in the Russian Federation. The societies have gathered hundreds of signatures in support of the IOF Global Patient Charter and held more World Osteoporosis Day events than in any other country! We are so proud to count these dedicated volunteers among our membership of 240 national societies worldwide».

Russian Information Agency «National Alliance»

More on this topic: 

 Просветительская деятельность общества пациентов «Остеорус»

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