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OSTEORUS and RAOP participate at Yaroslavl Regional Citizens Forum


Автор публикации: Российское информационное агентство «Национальный альянс» Найти все публикации автора

Опубликовано: 26/08/2022 16:39

 OSTEORUS and RAOP participate at Yaroslavl Regional Citizens Forum

On August 26, 2022, the XVIII Annual Regional Citizens Forum was held in Yaroslavl, with almost 300 people taking part in it. It was attended by representatives of public organizations, officials, policymakers, legislators, experts, journalists and volunteers. 

There was an exhibition of non-profit organizations operating in different spheres of activity.

In order to raise awareness of osteoporosis and its prevention as public health issue, representatives of All- Russia Patient Society OSTEORUS and the Russian Associaton on Osteoporosis (RAOP) participated in the Forum’s interactive events. 

The OSTEORUS information stand attracted attention of the public. Volunteers of the society (Galina Evstifeeva and Victoria Sotskova) and a representative of the Regional Treatment and Diagnostic Center for Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis (Zulfiya Matyakubova) answered questions about the disease prevention. They distributed booklets and leaflets about osteoporosis, the best sources of dietary   calcium and Vitamin D. and the importance of physical activity and its effect on bone health. Participants were invited to take the IOF One-Minute Osteoporosis Risk Test to identify their risk of osteoporosis

  The activists told the visitors about the International Osteoporosis Day which is annually held all over the world on October 20 under the aegis of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF). In Russia OSTEORUS and RAOP organize this event on the basis of osteoporosis centers which are members of the Russian Association on Osteoporosis (RAOP).

WOD -2022 slogan declared by the IOF is "STEP UP for BONE HEALTH" One of the special events of this year campaign is the participation of the European Space Agency astronaut Samantha Cristoferetti as the headliner of the preventive osteoporosis measures.

As part of the presentation of the society's activities, a workshop on Nordic walking was held, led by Elena Leonchuk, head of the Nordic-Yar public walking organization, in which all those interested took part.

 The Yaroslavl Regional Section of the «Women’s Union of Russia» were active participants of the event together with OSTEORUS.

Mikhail Evraev, the Acting Governor of the Yaroslavl region, emphasized the importance of feedback from the public and the efficiency of public initiatives. For the educational activities of «OSTEORUS» it is important to promote knowledge in society about osteoporosis and its prevention from an early age.

Galina Evstifeeva , Victoria Sotscova

Российское информационное агентство «Национальный альянс»

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